Strategy & demands

Basic principles under the strategy of Extinction Rebellion, from two parallel perspectives: demanding top-down emergency responses from our government through our 3 demands and NVDA, while bottom-up building of alternative structures, communities and cultures. Many topics introduced here are elaborated on under other themes.



The information on this page may be outdated. See the new Wiki for possibly more recent information.


Our demands

This webpage explains our three demands.


Frequently asked questions, and how we answer them.

Introduction Strategy & Demands Theme

Introductory video about the key elements of XR Netherlands strategy and demands.

Our demands

WARNING: you need to login first! Video explaining what "Tell The Truth, Act Now, Let People Decide!" means

Demand 1 – Tell the Truth

Tell the Truth - 2-pager

Key point summary of our first demand.

Tell the Truth research synthesis

Information about our first demand: Tell the Truth.

Demand 2 – Act Now

Act Now - 2-pager

Key point summary of our second demand.

Why 2025?

Document explaining why we purposely and necessarily aim for 2025 as the carbon neutrality deadline.

Why a just transition?

A more elaborate perspective on what we mean with a 'just transition' and why its included in our second demand.

Act Now research synthesis

Information about our second demand: Act now.

Demand 3 – Let Citizens Decide

XR NL Two-pager Citizens Assemblies

The basic outlines of a citizens assembly in the Netherlands according to Extinction Rebellion.

Citizens' Assembly full

Information about our third demand: Let citizens decide.

Citizens' Assembly key statements

Key point summary of arguments for our third demand.

Other resources

Demands flyer Rebellion October 2019

Flyer explaining our demands during 'Rebel without borders" in October 2019.

Demands flyer Rebellion October 2019

Flyer explaining our demands during 'Rebel without borders" in October 2019.

Tips for local groups on contacting politicians

A list of tips for local groups that want to reach out to their local representatives